What is the RX Assist Program?

The rx assist program is a way through which you can get assistance with prescriptions and treatments. Our rx assist programs allow us to provide you with state of the art information on what medications you should use, what treatments you should opt for and how you can get access to affordable healthcare. We believe that healthcare is a right of every person and it should not be limited because of costs. Our rx assistance can help you understand what you are going through better and what you can do to get through the illness as efficiently as possible.

Prescription Assistance Programs:

Our prescription assistance programs involve a series of manufacturers through which we are able to secure coupons and even free medications on a need basis. The prescription assist allows us to provide you with information about any of the medications that are currently in the market, how you can get them for cheaper and what some cheap alternatives exist for them. There are many medications that are still patent protected which allows the manufacturer to control the price but through our rxassistance we are able to work with these manufactures and provide you with coupons and free products if you are not covered by medical insurance or if your medication is not covered through your healthcare insurance provider.

Consultation Programs:

Our free consultation service can also provide you with a wealth of information. Through the consultation service you can learn what benefits you can get by joining our rx assistance programs. Since this service is free of charge, you have nothing to lose. You can also learn of medications that you may not have thought of as well as any concessions that can be offered to you depending on the situation that you’re in. Our consultants aim to help you handle your condition with dignity and they put your health and well-being above all else.

Rx Assistance:

The rx program is also useful for getting to know of all the various coupons that you could be using as well as any stores that can provide you with medications at a discount. Our nationwide service allows us to be in touch with every manufacturer so that you never feel at a loss about medications and how you can alleviate the burden of co-pay as well as any charges that are too large to cover yourself.

I have insurance or prescription coverage, can I still apply for assistance?

Though it can help to have a letter from your insurance service provider with proof that a certain medication is not covered by their policy (maybe you should think of changing companies), it is not essential. Therefore, those that already have insurance that is inadequate may still be eligible.

Quite a few foundations offer help with payments for some medications or treatment for patients with certain diseases.

The prescription assistance programs covers many people who previously had given up hope of any help. It can be a real lifeline.