4 Basic Points : How Hair Transplant Will Solve Baldness


Baldness And Coverage

Baldness is associated with social stigma, lack of confidence, and depression. Luckily, There are many solutions for this troublesome medical problem. Even the cheap hair transplant can treat thinning and loss. The cosmetic surgery has come of age and exciting technologies like cloning are also on the anvil. Balding patients may not have to worry too much in the future about this pesky issue.

The restorative procedure is performed using different techniques. The basic idea is to insert healthy donor hairs onto the bald patches. After post-operative recovery, The patient will notice fresh coverage on these spots. In a sense this is an aesthetic treatment that facilitates replacement and increased hair growth.

Transplant Surgery Benefits

Simply put, Hair transplant is insertion of donor hairs on recipient area(balding scalp). The donor filaments are re-attached individually or in groups. Early detection of male pattern loss can be treated with surgery. The top 4 benefits for a patient are listed here –

  • Natural, Attractive Hair

            There are different stages of baldness, and early treatment is vital. The specialist diagnoses the problem and suggests suitable procedure. He may prescribe FUT, FUE, or even robotic surgery. The transplant goal is to cover up with denser, healthier, and shinier hairs.

            After surgery, balding areas receive good coverage. During recovery patients, who take care, will notice natural and attractive hairs. Since donor hair also belongs to the patient, The newer filaments will fit in seamlessly, and do not stand out or apart.

  • Re-Growth In 2 or 3 Months

            After some time, Patients would notice healthy re-growth of transplants. In about 2 or 3 months, New hairs should grow back on the balding scalp(operated areas). Sometimes there can be continued hair thinning or shock less. So, Patients have to set realistic expectations after consulting with the doctor.

            Modern, automated micro grafting techniques are very precise. Patients can even opt for multiple surgeries with some time gap. This way, They can ensure greater coverage on the scalp, sides, and forehead(receding hairline).

  • Continuous Process

            The transplant surgery is characterised as permanent. It can also be termed as an assistive treatment rather than a complete cure. Thankfully, Patients who respond well will notice continuous re-growth. Those who take precautions will notice donor hairs hiding the bald areas more efficiently. Scab formation, temple and scalp infections should however be prevented during the postoperative period.

  • Thickening Of Hair

            The transplant procedure is called as restorative surgery for a reason. Hairs do get restored on previously bald areas after the operation. With adequate care, This hair can also grow very long. It can also become strong, smooth, and thicker to ensure good coverage area.

Ultimately, The success or failure of a surgery depends on many factors. The doctor’s skill is essential, but so are the chosen transplant methods. For example, Hormone resistant hairs can be selected for transplant from the donor areas. These hairs will not become thin, or even fall down at a later stage. In this manner, Hair loss itself can be prevented from the bald spots after surgery.