Getting Rid of Finger Fungus: a comprehensive Guide

Because nails whose color turns yellow, orange or even blue and crumble can horrify you and make you so uncomfortable that you will not dare to take off your shoes, here are our 10 tips to treat a fungal infection Nails and find resplendent nails of health!

What Is Nail Fungus and How Does It Happen?

Fingernail fungus also known as onychomycosis is a fungal infection caused by a type of fungus (dermatophytes) that usually develops initially between the toes or fingers due to moisture and can then attack one or several toenails or even hands. If nail fungus affects a lot more people aged 60 and people who have conditions such as athlete’s foot, nail psoriasis, diabetes, a nail injury, it remains a common pathology that can affect anyone and especially people with weakened immune systems. There are also many cases in people who practice swimming or in those who sweat a lot of feet because the fungus responsible for nail fungus is a microscopic organism that needs heat and moisture to develop.

Treat Nail Fungus: Our Advice

Be Attentive to the Health of Your Nails: even if we regularly observe our fingernails, we do not usually pay the same regular attention to those of our feet and it is unfortunate that the mushrooms proliferate thanks to the warm environment of our wet shoes.

Consult a Podiatrist: if in doubt, discoloration of your nails (white, yellow, brown), change of shape, nail lift or pain, it is strongly recommended to quickly consult podiatry in Nebraska in a clinic specialized so that it can confirm a diagnosis to be able to intervene quickly. The doctor will take a nail check that will determine the appropriate treatment. At the beginning of a mycosis, this treatment can develop on several other toes or fingers.

Apply a Topical Treatment: if your nail fungus is in a mild to moderate stage, and depending on the fungus responsible for the infection, the podiatrist may prescribe a topical treatment, that is to say in the form of cream or varnish to apply directly on the nail or nails.

Take a Drug Treatment: in case of mycosis of advanced nails on several nails, the doctor may prescribe a drug treatment that may last from 2 to 3 months depending on the case.


  1. Wear shoes and socks at your size, especially not too tight, and favor those that can reduce moisture.
  2. Wear shoes or slippers in public and shared areas such as at the pool, gym or in collective showers.
  3. Keep your nails short, clean, dry your toes and fingers thoroughly like the rest of your body after every shower.
  4. Do not lend socks or shoes or wear ones of others to limit the risk of contamination.