Causes of hypertension
The cause of high blood pressure is that there are several causes.
- Genetic The chances of a family member suffering from this disease are very high.
- Caused by obesity or excess body weight. This disease is a major cause of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Stroke from fat to artery wall. When this disease occurs in the body. It can cause high blood pressure easily followed.
- Caused by chronic kidney disease. This disease is responsible for the production of enzymes and hormones that regulate blood pressure.
- Caused by smoking habits. In cigarettes there are many toxins in the smoke. This is a substance that affects the inflammation. Stroke of various blood vessels. Including renal artery. It also affects the arteries.
- Caused by drinking Because drinking alcohol will cause the heart of the people to beat faster than normal. And that will affect high blood pressure as high as about 50% of alcoholics.
- The food is usually salty. Because the salinity of the body is too much. It contributes to high blood pressure.
- I do not exercise regularly. Because exercise does not affect obesity and diabetes. If faced with these two diseases. It can cause high blood pressure.
- The side effects of taking drugs such as taking drugs in the steroid group.
Herbs reduce blood pressure.
Herbs that are used to reduce the pressure, including the herbs help make small blood vessels. The body circulates better. Help to urinate. Reduce pressure To help the blood to the brain. Other herbs that we know well can reduce the pressure. People with high blood pressure should eat. These herbs are a healthy diet. It is not recommended to quit the current plan. Because people with high blood pressure have many levels. There may be other diseases, so it is advisable to see a doctor. When you do well. Can control pressure. The doctor will use the smallest dose.
If you or someone close to you are a person who is suffering from high blood pressure, you know that Thai herbs have good hypertension properties as well as foreign drugs.
3 Thai herbs that have such features to recommend.
Garlic sliced fresh garlic for about half a teaspoon. Eat 2-3 times a day, or chew raw garlic, do not eat empty stomach. The heat of garlic will cause stenosis. “If it can not be done. Garlic capsules can help as well. Before permanent high pressure (thaiherb) ” Garlic Prevents Heart Disease Reduce cholesterol. Reduce fat in the blood. Lower blood pressure Reduces arterial blockage, reduces platelet aggregation by 58%. Increases blood flow. Prevent heart failure. Cancer Prevention
Asbestos in the Thai traditional medicine is used as a heart tonic, fatigue, diuretic, heat up, but there are folk remedies used to reduce high blood pressure by using fresh plants 1-2 hands boiled with drinking water.
Mulberry” has selected the herb of the year from the meeting between the Department of Medical Sciences. And the Association of Herbalists Potential of marketing and research of medicinal plants, mulberry leaf diseases of the Department of Medical Sciences. Conducted clinical trials by testing efficacy. And the effectiveness of mulberry extract in reducing blood lipids in diabetic patients was found to reduce both cholesterol and triglyceride levels in diabetic patients. Medicinal herbs, mulberry capsules, properties and benefits of treatment, reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, cholesterol, increase resistance. Lower blood sugar
High Blood Pressure Medication
There are many different groups of drugs such as diuretic to make more urine. Heart pacemaker Slow heart rate Vascular drugs make the hole of the blood vessels wider. Blood flow is better and there is less pressure. Some patients use high blood pressure medications. Just one type It reduces blood pressure well. It can be controlled at a satisfactory level. Some patients require two or more medications. High blood pressure is called a “silent killer” because most people do not have any abnormalities.
Side effects of the drug are from fatigue, drowsiness, coughing, headache, getting the taste of food, changing to rash, hypertension. Low white blood cell count The penis does not solidify. Until kidney failure. These side effects do not necessarily occur with anyone suggesting that they go back to the doctor for a dose change or change. With herbal medicine coupled with better medicine will ensure that the side effects are less. And may be treated without medication. Under the guidance of a doctor is good?
- The patient feels better and lives happily. Do not suffer from side effects like medications.
- It is a very inexpensive way. Do not buy drugs. Or need to get special blood tests such as how to use drugs.
- The patient has the opportunity to really cooperate in the treatment of his own disease. More morale than waiting for a prescription and taking only prescribed medication.
High blood pressure I have a headache. Osteoarthritis often. If not treated with Kratom For Sale Symptoms will be more. It affects the head and heart, blood vessels, kidneys, etc. It is often found that elderly people who fall well and then become paralyzed. Because the blood vessels in the brain. Most of them have unspecified pressure syndrome. I know, but I think it is lost. No measurement and control. To be normal with the current medicine or herbal medicine.