Issues relate to prostate are a normal part of getting older. Changes in hormones can lead to enlarged prostates in around 90% of men as they reach 80 years of age. Although an enlarged prostate may lead to a lot of discomfort, men should be more concerned about any possibility for developing prostate cancer.
Here are some crucial facts all men should know about prostate cancer:
Prostate Cancer is very common!
Yes, the condition is more common than you can imagine. This has become the second leading cause of death by cancer in men. According to the Prostate Cancer Foundation, around 3 million American men are presently living with prostate cancer. The foundation also reported that over 27,000 die from this disease every year.
Early Diagnosis makes Prostate Cancer 100% Curable!
Prostate cancer is curable provided it is caught early. It is not a benign, slow-growing cancer. Early detection increases the cure rate to almost 99%. The number drops once the cancer has metastasized. Screening and early detection are crucial for saving the lives of men suffering from with prostate cancer.
Early Screening is Important
Early detection at a reputed prostate surgery center has a large impact on a patient’s outcome. Hence, all men must talk to their doctor and get a personalized assessment of how soon the screening should start. Age 40 may be the right choice depending on family history.
Symptoms are Not Definitive
Prostate cancer symptoms may be attributed to other things, such as prostatitis. Some of the common ones include increased urge to peeing frequently, trouble controlling the urine stream, painful ejaculation, erection dysfunction etc. You must check with your doctor if you experience any of these. It is advisable not to wait to experience them before getting screened.
Advanced Screening Tools
There has been a lot of improvement in screening techniques and tools over the years. Screening men for prostate cancer is not an issue. One can choose from tests for measuring the levels of prostate specific antigen, or PSA. Standard biopsy for prostate cancer demands samples from a fixed pattern around the organ,
MRI-guided biopsies to target specific tumors are a great way to detect early-stage prostate cancer cells in the blood. Test is highly sensitive and can help professionals to detect circulating tumor cells in patients with localized prostate cancer. This enhances ability to define prognosis of a patient.
Surgery or Treatment is not always needed
The aggressiveness of the cancer is determined using a tool referred to as the Gleason Scale. Prostate cancer with a Gleason score of 6 or less is usually considered low risk. 7 falls in the intermediate stage and 8 to 10 is for high risk.
Long-term Effects of Cancer Treatment
The doctor will sit with you and work out a plan that’s best for you. This should be done only after considering potential long-term effects of treatment. The best thing to do is weigh these risks against overall aggressiveness of the cancer. Studies have revealed that around 15-18 years after surgery or radiation treatment for prostate cancer had resulted in sexual dysfuntion and/or urination among significant number of men. These issues may reduce overall quality of man’s life.
A Change in Lifestyle Might Help
Yes, these may work but don’t consider these as miracles. Studies have revealed a link between lifestyle factors such as diet and obesity and increased rates of prostate cancer. Some of the most significant factors include age, race, and family history. Men can do several things to improve their prostate health. The best efforts must include abstaining from smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Red meats should be avoided. Full-fat dairy products should also be avoided as far as possible.