Fine Solutions for the Best Olive Oil Options for You

Olive oil is ideal for diabetes, obesity and high blood pressure. Now scientists have also found that the polyphenols present in olive oil suppress those genes that are responsible for causing inflammation. It is precisely these inflammatory genes that are active in the so-called metabolic syndrome. This syndrome manifests itself in four extremely common health problems: diabetes, obesity especially in the abdominal area, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

It is a summary of the symptoms that can ultimately lead to arteriosclerosis, heart disease, stroke and many other life-shortening events. Studies have already shown that regular consumption of olive oil leads to a favorable blood sugar profile in diabetics.

Olive oil has a positive influence on 100 genes

After the meals, the blood of the test subjects was examined. 15,000 genes and their changes were checked. The polyphenol-rich olive oil obviously had a regulatory influence on almost 100 genes. Interestingly, the majority of these hundred genes were directly related to the development of the metabolic syndrome, i.e. with diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and consequently with coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis. You can also get more information about Buy c 60  

The connection between these health problems and nutrition can no longer be denied. So if even minor changes in dietary behavior such as the use of high-quality extra virgin olive oil lead to such positive results, then it should really motivate everyone to change their diet towards “Mediterranean food”.

Mediterranean diet: completely different in the past than today

However, what has to be understood by a typical Mediterranean diet must be defined here. Fast food and ready-made pizza, UHT milk and the consumption of a lot of fatty meat are also becoming increasingly popular in the south, so that the current diet of these peoples can hardly serve as a model today. In reality, the idea of ​​“Mediterranean cuisine” comes from observations that took place in Greece in the 1960s.

  • At that time, the inhabitants of Crete and many other Greek and southern Italian regions lived on lots of fresh vegetables, freshly harvested fruits and moderate amounts of milk products in the form of yoghurt and raw milk cheese made from sheep or goat milk.
  • They ate only small amounts of fish and rarely poultry or some sheep meat. There were about as many eggs a week as you could count on one hand. The meals were prepared with olive oil and there was some red wine with the meal.
  • Today, the Mediterranean region also supplies itself almost exclusively with processed products from the food industry, consumes mass meat and milk products from factory farming, and even olive oil, which is still used in tons, is no longer of the health-promoting quality that it was a few decades ago. Therefore, the Mediterranean peoples are currently well on the way to catching up with the northern regions in terms of disease susceptibility.

Olive oil can only have all the positive effects listed above for the human organism if it is of the best quality. In contrast, low grades not only contain little or no useful ingredients, but even harmful substances.