Living with anxiety can be a tiresome task, especially, if you do not learn the habits of self-care. Medicines alone cannot account for your unhealthy lifestyle. They certainly relax the mind and help alleviate anxiety and placate nerves, but there are additional ways that you must simultaneously adopt for a better and healthier life. But, before you can learn about such wonderful tips, it’s necessary that you must realize that anxiety is of different kinds.
Types Of Anxiety Disorders
As easy as it goes, the National Institute of Mental Health divides anxiety disorders into the following categories.
1. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Also known as GAD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder is the plethora of unnecessary and excessive fear that can last for more than 6 straight months if not treated. The most common symptoms that point out towards GAD include the following.
- Fatigue and constant irritation
- A constant fear that doesn’t go away
- Muscular tension and sleeplessness
- Difficulty in concentration
2. Panic Disorder
Panic attacks or anxiety attacks, as we know them, are a severe form of anxiety that shoots up from the scale of 0 to 100 within no time. It is often accompanied by most of the following symptoms.
- Palpitation and sweating
- Trembling
- Short breaths
People suffering from panic disorder often showcase behavioral traits like restlessness and anticipating a panic attack that hasn’t yet occurred.
3. Phobia-Related Disorders
This is the widest classification with various subcategories, as listed below.
- Specific Phobias
- Specific phobias are triggered by specific objects, situations, and/or even places. For example;
- A fear of heights, water, or even darkness
- A fear of flying
- Fear of animals
- Social Phobia
People with social phobia avoid gatherings that require mingling with other people. They often fear that people might judge them. Not necessarily introverts, but people with social phobia suffer from extreme restlessness when around people.
Unlike specific phobia, agoraphobic patients are phobic to 2 or more situations listed below.
- Uneasiness in taking public transportation alone
- Standing outside the home alone
- Fear of enclosed places
- Fear of open spaces
- Fear of being in queues
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Separation anxiety disorder usually affects children. However, there have been limited cases where even adults exhibit the symptoms of Separation Anxiety Disorder.
It involves extreme fear of getting separated from loved ones. Most common signs that help in diagnosis include:
- Nightmares about separating from loved ones
- Inability to leave the side of individuals the patient love
- Constant thoughts about loved ones getting harmed in some or the other way
These are all the kinds of anxiety disorders. Having classified them, it’s time to swim towards the ways that can help alleviate anxiety and placate nerves.
How To Deal With Anxiety Of The Extreme Level?
One is the kind of temporary anxiety that everyone suffers from at some or the other point of time. It is the second one that doesn’t go away and gets worse with the time that’s actually classified as necessarily a ‘Disorder’. The best ways to live with such forms of stress include the following.
Practice exercises like Deep Breathing, swimming, strength training, and meditation. All these forms of physical and mental training reduce the secretion of stress hormones, increase the feeling of wellness, and increase mental concentration and focus.
Take a cold shower when experiencing a panic attack. It calms down the nerve receptors that are falsely alarming the brain of being in danger. As a result, the mind gets calm instantly.
Inhaling fragrances from essential oils help alleviate anxiety and placate nerves.
Sleep better and eat better for managing anxiety in the long run. Drink enough water and avoid alcohol, soda, and caffeine.