Can an adjustable bed change your life?

As we get older it is a well-known fact that our ability to get around and complete daily tasks as easily as we used to becomes more difficult. Whilst we may not want to admit it, our muscles and joints will start to show the wear and tear that comes with living a long life.

This change in ability is a natural thing, and we all expect it to hit us as some point. However, whilst suffering from reduced capacity might be incredibly frustrating, it is essential that we don’t let it affect our wellbeing, or the wellbeing of those around us. As we age, it is all about making accommodations for health changes and to ensure that we are functioning to the best of our abilities.

One of the first places we should look to change to suit our new lifestyle is our bed. We spend a great deal of time here and rejuvenating and a healthy sleep cycle is so important for good health. Here are some key and predominant issues that the elderly or mobility impaired can face, and how a single or double adjustable bed can help.

Encourages Independence

As mobility reduces, we can start to struggle with significant movement and in the majority of cases; this will be getting up from a lying down position to a standing one. This movement heavily relies on core strength as well as a combination of individual muscle and joint movements. With an adjustable bed, it is a whole lot easier. The electric backrest will bring you to a seated position, which is the hardest part of the movement done. It is then a simple case of swinging your legs out of bed and using the mattress surface to push off from.

The level of support that an adjustable bed gives greatly eases the mobility issues and enables the user to get up without the help of a loved one or carer. Independence is not an easy thing to give up, and an adjustable bed allows the user to maintain theirs, with the knowledge that they are safe. Grab rails can be fitted to many adjustable beds in order to give an extra element of support and peace of mind.

Boosts Circulation

If you are unable to move around much, poor circulation can quickly become a big issue. A lot of elderly people suffer from varicose veins and ulcerated legs, which can be exacerbated by long periods of inactivity. The best remedy for this is movement and activity, but this is not always possible with a traditional flat bed.

The best way to improve circulation is to raise your legs above your heart. Using an adjustable bed makes this easy as the leg rest of the bed can be elevated when required. Elevating your legs allows the blood to flow easily from the lower limbs and so limits swollen feet and legs.

Improves Sleep

Unfortunately, older people get less sleep than their younger counterparts. They can often struggle to fall asleep and can find it difficult to stay asleep once they have nodded off. Although, as we age, we need less rest, it is still vital that when we are in bed we get quality sleep.

An adjustable bed helps to ease sleeping difficulties, they help to make certain that the few hours of sleep we can get are comfortable and relaxing; this helps to keep minds sharp and focused throughout the day.

Relieves Joint and Spinal Pain

As we get older, the cartilage and ligaments that hold our vertebrae together in our spines becomes thinner and weaker. This can easily result in back pain and chronic spinal pain. An adjustable bed can be moved into any position to take the stress off the affected areas.