Effective Home Remedies for Nausea

Nausea is common among many; but, one common remedy to get rid of it is consumption of proper foods. Therefore, you should shun foods that cause nausea.

However, there are various natural remedies which can assist in treating the condition. These are:


Ginger is a wonderful herb that comes in handy in the treatment of nausea. Fresh ginger aids in digestion and lessens the effects of nausea. It’s also one of the best cures that can help you to get rid of nausea. You can boil water and inhale the steam of ginger to feel better. Also, ginger can be added to tea to help in getting relief from dizziness.


Mint consists of relaxed and calm flavors which give the stomach a soothing effect and can, therefore, help eradicate nausea feeling. Also, you can use peppermint oil since it provides a therapeutic aroma. This can be by adding it to the bathtub since the smell is useful in relieving nausea symptoms.

More so charcoal tablets can be taken to reduce extreme vomiting. These tablets are available in various pharmacies where you can also learn several Benefits of CBD in the treatment of nausea.

Boiled rice

Boil a portion of rice in two parts of water and strain for approximately 15 minutes. Taking this water helps you to clear the terrible feeling. However, if you feel like vomiting, do it forcefully to get rid of the perpetual uneasiness.

Carbonated beverages

Carbonated beverages for instance soda also help in suppressing stomach ache. Therefore sips of the drink can be used to aid in digestion


Add lemongrass to a bowl of soup to soothe you. Lemon grass has a powerful aroma which can prevent the uneasiness in the stomach. Also lemon is an excellent home remedy, you can slice it into two halves and sprinkle salt and pepper over it, and then suck to enhance digestion and get rid of uneasiness.

Apple cider vinegar and honey

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey is excellent in treating any stomach ache. Vinegar is useful in metabolism and helps in getting rid of digested food quickly. Honey also contains enzymes helpful in spurring the process of digestion.

Healthy diet

A healthy diet is vital in dealing with nausea. This can comprise of fresh fruits and vegetables, drinking lots of water and avoiding fatty foods.

For small babies, the best home remedy for nausea would be adding honey to ginger powder and give to them. However, babies should be hydrated since vomiting dehydrates them. During pregnancy, you can count on home remedies since medicines bought over the counter may have some side effects.