Aloe vera is known as a magical plant as it has got all the benefits with itself. It is one solution to many problems. Here are 5 ways in which one can use and do aloe vera anwendung.
Face Pack
The first way in which we can use Aloe vera is a face pack. This face mask is appropriate for the one who has an acne problem. The face pack, we are discussing here will remove all the acne and problems related to it. This could be made by taking a little Aloe vera gel and then by mixing some properly blended walnuts with it. The consistency that is gained should be like the flour. Apply this mask to get a smoother and acne free skin.
Face and Body Scrub
The second way in which Aloe Vera can be used is in the form of a face scrub. The making of this scrub is very easy. Mix almost one tablespoon of Aloe vera gel with two tablespoons of sugar and add a full lemon juice into it. Mix it well and then apply gently on your face. Since this is a scrub, one needs to massage this paste properly on the face gently. This face mask has got lots of benefits. Aloe vera has antioxidants in it, which helps you in getting more clearer and glowing skin. Along with this, sugar acts as a good exfoliate and shades off all the dead skin cells. This scrub could be used as a body scrub and one can find very good results from just a few usages.
Face Mask
Aloe Vera can do a miracle and acts as bliss for people with dry skin. There are several face masks and face packs that can be created mixing aloe vera gel and other kitchen ingredients. The face mask that we are talking about is made by mixing up some aloe Vera juice, a pinch of turmeric, some honey and some droplets of rose water. All of the ingredients need to be blended well and a mixture of thick consistency should be created. After you have prepared the mixture, apply it on your face. Leave it, till it dries out properly. After it is dried, wash it off with lukewarm water. You will see the results in just a few days of usage. This mask not just helps out in smoothing your skin, but also turns out to be great therapy for skin whitening.
Hair Mask
Next method in which we can use Aloe vera is by applying it on our hair. It has the proteolytic enzymes in it which acts as a recovery agent for the scalp. This, when applied to the scalp will help you in fighting against major hair issues. Aloe vera acts as a good conditioner also, which is again a property that protects the hair from any harm. A hair mask that could be created for the hair protection is the one made by adding extra virgin coconut oil and aloe vera juice. Both of these ingredients should be mixed in equal proportion. Apply this on your scalp and leave till it dries. After this, rinse it off. You get a better result in just a few days of usage.
Weight Loss Drink
Aloe vera is not meant just for the skin and hair, but along with these, it causes some good health benefits. One of these health benefits is easy to weight loss. It helps us in reducing the extra kilos as well as in improving immunity. For such gains, one needs to drink the Aleovera Juice on a daily basis. If you find it bitter and cannot drink directly, then you can add some fruit juice which is sweet.
So, these were a few of the unique and different ways in which aloe vera anwendung can be used. We all should get ourselves an aloe vera plant, as this is full of beneficial things and we all need that in our life.