True vertigo vs false vertigo

If you’ve never experienced vertigo before, then it can be difficult to tell the difference between general dizziness and true vertigo. Let’s take a look at some of the differences between the two.

General Dizziness

It’s easy to confuse general dizziness, or even dehydration, for vertigo symptoms if you’ve never experienced the sensation before. If you’re simply dizzy on occasion, then it’s likely that you’re not suffering from vertigo. For general dizziness, usually, malnutrition or a vitamin deficiency combined with improper hydration are the culprits.

Common Causes of Vertigo

The most common causes of vertigo are:

  • Vestibular neuronitis – inflammation of the nerve running into the inner ear
  • Migraines – extreme headaches
  • Labyrinthitis – inner ear infection
  • Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo – a condition where head-movements trigger vertigo

Vertigo Symptoms

When you’re experiencing true vertigo the symptoms could be almost unnoticeable, just a slight feeling of off-ness. True vertigo can also range all the way to extreme sensations of moving or spinning all around you.

Tinnitus, ringing in the ears, is also commonly experienced during vertigo attacks along with sudden high temperatures of the body. If you’re experiencing either of these symptoms in conjunction with dizziness, or the sensation of spinning, then it’s likely you’re suffering from actual vertigo.

Treating Vertigo

There are some things you can do on your own to help deal with your vertigo symptoms, but ultimately if your vertigo is starting to disrupt your everyday life, then it’s a good idea to talk to a specialist.

Try some different daily exercises, stretching, yoga, or light cardio might help to correct your symptoms over time. Seeping with your head in a slightly raised position has been known to improve vertigo symptoms. Take a few pillows and use them as a wedge to support your neck.

It’s also important to try and get up slowly when you’re first starting to experience vertigo. Getting out of bed, or up out of a chair, you should always sit on the edge of the seat first and stay there for about a minute. Then when you’re adjusted to sitting up, you can stand up slowly, and your body should adjust better to the position change this way.

Try to avoid bending down to pick up items until the condition is resolved since doing so could trigger a serious vertigo attack. Don’t extend your neck if you can’t reach the highest shelf in your home. Either you should have something to grab those items with, or don’t attempt it at all unto your symptoms are lessened.

Make sure to move your head slowly during any and all daily activities until your vertigo symptoms are managed. Carefully movements and monitoring of your behavior, in general, can help to highlight the exact triggers for your vertigo, making treatment easier.

Which brings us to the last home treatment option, simply do exercises that are known to trigger your vertigo. This will force your brain to get used to the sensation over time and it will reduce the symptoms as you push through the feelings.

True Vertigo

Keeping all of these home vertigo treatments in mind, and combining them with daily exercise can help to improve your vertigo symptoms over time. But, if you’re still experiencing vertigo symptoms even after trying some daily treatment options like exercise or sleeping with your head raised, then it’s important to seek treatment from a vertigo specialist.