Eye infections happen when microorganisms such as microbes, parasites, and fungi attack any part of the eyeball or encompassing the region. This typically includes the front surface of the eye (cornea) and the film covering the external eye and internal eyelids (conjunctiva).
There is an increased risk for infection if you get laser eye surgery. In the event of contracting an eye infection after a Lasik procedure, you should contact your local panel of Lasik eye surgeons immediately. Attempting to determine your condition on your own can result in unsuccessful treatment and potential loss of sight. If you wear contact lenses, you should opt to solely wear your eyeglasses until you have visited your eye specialist for treatment.
In the event that your side effects exacerbate or change, contact your eye specialist right away. If you have further concerns about the potential risk of eye infection after any surgery or treatment, the professionals can be one of them who would be happy to discuss your problems with them.
Symptoms of eye infections include:
- Red eyes
- Pain in and around the eyes
- Eye discharge/watery eyes
- Dry eyes
- Swollen eyes
- Itching
- Blurry vision
There is a wide range of kinds of eye infections and causes, and your eye specialist needs to decide the specific sort of eye disease you have contracted so as to recommend the correct treatment. People are more prone to getting an eye infection immediately after getting laser eye surgery.
Different Forms of Eye Infections
Potential infections include, but are not limited to the following:
- Conjunctivitis: Regular conjunctivitis, or pink eye, typically has viral or bacterial causes. Newborn children can also contract conjunctival eye infections (gonococcal and chlamydial conjunctivitis) during birth when a mother has transmitted these microbes during birth.
Viral keratitis:
- Viral keratitis: Other viral infections besides conjunctivitis include ocular herpes, which comes from contact with the Herpes simplex virus
Fungal keratitis:
- Fungal keratitis: Infections of this sort come from contact with organic matter such as dirt or contaminated contact lenses.
Acanthamoeba keratitis:
- Acanthamoeba keratitis: Similar to fungal keratitis, parasites can also invade the eye through inappropriate usage and cleansing of contact lenses.
- Trachoma: This condition is uncommon in the United States. It is caused by exposure to extremely unsanitary conditions.
- Endophthalmitis: Penetrating eye injuries cause this form of infection and unless treated immediately can cause blindness.
Your primary care physician may take an example from the influenced area of your eye for a culture to survey the sort of contamination you have, assuming you have any at all. This may help decide the best treatment, for example, an anti-toxin that specifically focuses on the kind of microscopic organisms causing the disease.
Preventing Eye Infections
If you are in close quarters with someone suffering from any eye infection, maintain a healthy distance from them and do not touch your own eye until you wash your hands first. You can limit the probability of getting normal bacterial or viral attention diseases by utilizing disinfectant sprays and hand sanitizers. Keep bedding and towels clean; do not share these materials with people who have an active infection.
If you wear contact lenses, it is also a good practice to wash your hands before handling or removing them. Additionally, know that sleeping while wearing contacts, regardless of whether you wear the “breathable” silicone hydrogel kind that is designed for medium-term wear, increases your chances of eye contamination.
Treatment For Eye Infections
Luckily, most regular bacterial eye infections clear up, especially with adequate treatment. An example of this would include anti-microbial eye drops. A good number of regular viral eye diseases resolve by themselves as well. In instances of extreme viral eye diseases, an antiviral eye drop or oral medication might be suggested.
Contingent upon the hidden reason for your eye contamination, your primary care provider may endorse these home remedies as well:
Salt Water:
- Salt Water: Saline is one of the best home solutions for eye infections. They closely resemble tears, which is your eye’s natural method for purifying itself. Salt additionally has antimicrobial properties.
Warm Compresses:
- Warm Compresses: This treatment works best for minor infections such as styes or conjunctivitis. The warmth promotes blood circulation to the eye, which expedites healing. Be sure to use two separate compresses if you have infections in both eyes.
Colloidal Silver:
- Colloidal Silver: You can easily find this over-the-counter at a pharmacy. Silver in eye drops or ointment can reduce irritation caused by bacterial or viral infections. It does this by electromagnetically attracting infected cells and transporting them into the bloodstream for elimination.